You know why most of government agencies always astern compared to private agencies? It is one and only monkey reason, SENIORITY! Seniority is the top priority instead of credibility. What the hell.
You can't just raise someone because he served longer than someone else. For me, this practice is a total joke and it clearly can't generate optimum growth. I agree when people said he who work so many years, has lots of experience. But it does not mean he, in this case, the veteran, can practically and efficiently apply the knowledge as well as experience to particular field. It does not mean someone who work less years aren't capable doing better.
When seniority comes first before credibility, a simple task sometimes can be so straitened. Indeed, it can be total mess. It's not solely because of your handsome performance you're raised but because you are serving for a long time. In fact, alas, your works were suck! Believe me. I'm currently experiencing this and eventually become a scapegoat to the bureaucracy which is totally suck!
"I'm just gonna sit back and relax as time passes by and I don't give a damn. I'll be raised as I serve longer."
You can't just raise someone because he served longer than someone else. For me, this practice is a total joke and it clearly can't generate optimum growth. I agree when people said he who work so many years, has lots of experience. But it does not mean he, in this case, the veteran, can practically and efficiently apply the knowledge as well as experience to particular field. It does not mean someone who work less years aren't capable doing better.
When seniority comes first before credibility, a simple task sometimes can be so straitened. Indeed, it can be total mess. It's not solely because of your handsome performance you're raised but because you are serving for a long time. In fact, alas, your works were suck! Believe me. I'm currently experiencing this and eventually become a scapegoat to the bureaucracy which is totally suck!
"I'm just gonna sit back and relax as time passes by and I don't give a damn. I'll be raised as I serve longer."
sabar yer awk!org yg selalu sabar ada hikmahnye :)
nk jawab soalan hang psai rogol tu.. jwb sini bleh kot nowh...
Wanita yang dirogol tidak boleh menuduh sebarang lelaki sebagai perogolnya, kecuali setelah mempunyai 4 saksi lelaki muslim aqil, baligh dan adil. Kiranya tiada, bolehlah wanita membawa bukti-bukti lain yang ada ke muka pengadilan, tanpa membuat tuduhan. Kiranya ia menuduh juga tanpa 4 saksi, ia dihukum qazaf lalu disebat dengan 80 sebatan tanpa cedera.
Walaupun si perogol lelaki tidak dikenakan hukuman hudud akibat tidak mempunyai 4 orang saksi, tetapi ia tetap dikenakan hukuman ta’zir menurut kadar keseriusan jenayahnya. Kiranya sabit kesalahan melalui perbicaraan dengan bukti-bukti.
rujuk ni..
ok. thanks info weh. dah faham sekarang
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