Sunday, July 10, 2011

judging homo sapiens

Assalamualaikum everybody. People usually say, don't judge book by its cover. I say, do judge a book by its cover! "Kenapa terbalik lak tu der? " somebody ask me. Because of one and only word. IMPRESSION.

Most of the time people judge someone by their first impression. They can tell whether he is bad or not. Sure it is not fair if we judge someone by looking his outer look only but it is the way now. For instance, if you walk in an interview with dull look, raggle-taggle hair, are you sure the interviewers can give you high impressions? No! It will never happen unless you have another excellent build-up package. The point is, take into account the word 'cover' because a cover is one of the reason people buy those books after the contents. Get it?

" Alaa. Aku beli buku sebab contents dia best. Cerita dia menarik". But how can you tell the book is good if it is wrapped in plastic? For certain you look at the cover first you dumb ass. Don't tell me that you buy a book because of its content you freak. A good cover can be a bonus for a book.
If the cover is eye catching enough, people will tend to buy it. Take a look at books that have dull cover, always at the back of the shelves.

Listen here people, what really important is the contents, our ability, but most people get rejected because they forgot one tiny important thing. Our cover. This seems like not important but believe me, if you're at the interviewer's seat, you will surely choose someone handsomely attired.

Tu bab cari keje. Yang bab nak menilai perangai orang tu pun sama gak. Orang duk bising cakap jangan judge orang berdasarkan pemakaian dia. Kenal hati budi dulu. Tak semestinya orang yang nampak jahat tu jahat. Memang la. Tapi kalau dah pakaian dia macam mat pit kongsi jarum takkan nak gi duk kawan lagi. Konfem-konfem korang lari an.

Yang aku paling takleh blah, statement artis bongok nak cover diri sendiri. Pakai baju yang gila seksi, super mini skirt, pastu cakap

"Bagi saya, Tuhan sahaja yang layak untuk mengadilinya bukan orang lain yang sudah tentu tak mengenali diri dan hati budi saya. Cuma saya nak beritahu orang ramai jangan judge saya hanya dari pakaian saya semata-mata tetapi kenal hati budi saya dahulu sebelum mengkritik," jelas pelakon drama bangang ini.

Kepala hotak hang nak kenal hati budi dulu. Kalau da ko tu pakai baju dedah semua menda, duk peluk jantan lain dalam club, duk menogok air kencing setan macam minum tea o ais, takkan nak angkat ko jadi calon menantu no 1? Kita takleh cakap menda-menda tak baik kat dia ni sebab tak kenal hati budi dia. Gitu? Haktuihh. Boleh blah. Don't judge book by its cover konon. Geli telinga aku dengar komen camtu.

3 comments: said...
This comment has been removed by the author. said...

asal ko nyer entry slalu best eh.. nyampah btol... aish

naqib faiz said...

haha. best eh? biasa jek. anyway. thanks :D